2011년 1월 11일 화요일


This is the film that I saw in my writhing class. After watching the film, I worte an essay about this..
The topic is: In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring," what lesson do you think the teacher is trying to teach his young student?  Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience
   Do you have an experience, which your relatives of family die? It will feel terrible when you experience this kind of accident. In this film, I think teachers is trying to teach his student 'the life is important.' In the world there are lots of people who think small bugs, inscets, and animal's life are not important. Nowdays there are lots of poacher who are killing the poor animals and alsp children is killing poor inscets or their own pet. But, do you know that? These inscets and animal, you unintentionly killed is same as your family, relitaves and also, your own life.
   When I was 3nd grade, I was invited to my friend's house. She had two younger sisters. We played with her for one hour. Suddenly, at veranda, we heard one of her sister screaming and we ran to there. One of here sister was throwing the pet(hamsaters)s out of tahe window! Her house was 10th floor. We was so amazed and surprised and go down stairs to find the hamsters. We searched for half an hour and I could finally find, some dead hamsters. They were all bloodt and some bones were broken. It was too cruel to see. How can a girl, did ghis cruel thing? I was totally amazed. And we teached her to never do this thing again, but, she acted like, everyone in her class are doing this kind of thing.
  Also, in the film, the student tried string with rock to some creatures body. It's veery cruel thing to do. However, the teacher did it to his student the same. So he notice, he did a bad thing and he have to take care of the creatures.
   As you see, nowdays, many people think that life is not important for insects,or animals. But they are born, because they are important in the world. And In this film teacher did the same thing at his student and student can feel the feeling. He could experience, the bad thing what he did and ge regrets. I think teachers punishment is great. Knowing why I'm punishing now is way more better than just get punishing.
  In conclusion, I think teacher is trying to teach young student 'life is important to every living things.' In my opinoin, I want every one have to know athe importance of living things. We always have to take care of the nature and living creatures life.
-The end- -_-;;

댓글 2개:

  1. wow it's very long you must be good at typing.

  2. Thank you~
    But I'm not good at typing and also,, 컴맹??~_~;;
