2011년 1월 24일 월요일


  Do you know the site name Highrise?? Some will know this thing, but I'm totally new, and the first time I try it. Now, I'm going to talk about my friend, Sylva, who lives in Pargue. She's life is very diffrent then mine. So I will write 'compare and contrast essay' about my life and Sylva's life. I had to choose one person among  the 14 people, and she looks very interesting and I was curios of her life. I could not understand the whole life of hers. Some parts I could understand but some parts were very complecated and hard. But I'll do mine hard as I can..

  First, Sylva's life there are many diffrentce with me. Her job is an artest. She likes drawing and painting and also decorating. Especially take manys pictures. When we look at her house, she decorates her whole house with her owm decoration. It looks very clean and beautiful. I thought that I want to decorate my house like her. Her life looks like very calum and peaceful. Also she mention about her daugters. She said that after having two twins daugher, her life has totally changed. She liked art and enjoyed being together with the nature, but when the kids are born she has to take care of them. But she changed her mind and do the both things, which is take caring her kinds and also enjoy taking pictures. I don't know the actually thinking that after she borned their kinds,, because I did not married and also,, I don't have any kid..??
  This time I will compare and contrast my life with her. My job is a student who have to studty all the time. We have very small freedom and we have a schedul that we have to do today. But after watching Sylva's life, I envys her life. She can do what she want to do. She can paint, photo something that she wants too... And her ability that shecan decorate well, I really envy. I moved my house right before came to this camp, and my house was a mess.. Ha Ha.. But one thing that I'm curios that she can do both things. Like she does the work she wants to do and also take care of her two twins daugter!1 It would be very hard. I do not think that I can do like her. I was impressed that she teached her daugters drawing. She can do the thing that she wants to do and also take care of her daugter. In Korea people commonly says that when a woman born a kid their like are ruined. But she do not have the prejidice and living right now. I very admire her at this part.

  Secondly, I wnat to talk about the environments she lives. Actually I do not really understand what happened. But, I am going to write that which I understanded. When we look outside of her house, There are two big buildings and very beautiful park. It is really beautiful!! But she talked about two big buildings. Two big buildings are very pretty right now but they have a history. Long time ago when she was young the buildings were not pretty and ugly. But some things(?)happened and now change in to beautiful. I Know it's kind of dumbfounded sound but I can't really understand. Sorry.

  So, I'm going to compare my house. I live in an apartment which is build last year. It's very diffrent, because Sylva's house and many other buildings include very long history. Also We have a very large park name, 조례호수공원. It's really beautiful and there is a fountain show at night time. At Sylva's view, there are many houses and buildings to. But when I see the outside of the window, I cna just see the park and one school. I live in countryside. But now this place is going to develop more. There are lot's of building there are now building. It looks little scary, but  I think after the buildings are completion, It will be very beautiful and crowd like Sylva's house's view.

  To concloue my 'compare and contrast essay', I leared many things by Sylva's life.  After waching her life, I think about the every one in the world is working hard to make one's like.  Like everyone in the world i think that I have to work hard too, and made and decorate my own dream and life.. This was my essay and thankyou for looking and mt essay~


댓글 1개:

  1. Excellent! Nicely written and good reflections. I'm glad you got to know Sylva and think of her as a "friend."^^
