2011년 1월 25일 화요일

Last week in GLPS..

  This week is the last week of winter GLPS.. I think this is my last GLPS(because it cost lots of money??). One month.. First, we heard this, I think it was a very long time.. But now I think yesterday was the first day of the camp but,, this is the last week of the camp. During the camp, we did many fun activities. Sometimes I had some trobles. I had a bad situation with my roommate, the homeworks were to hard  and so on. But now, when I recall my life during camp it was a important memory to me.. I will miss my roommates and classmates and PA's, TA's and many foriegn teacher too.. ㅠ3ㅠ;; I will really miss everyone at this camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  Everyone !!!  Please remember me!!
  15th Winter GLPS class 2NE1, Lee yu yeon, Annabeth~♡3♡;;
  I ♥ U everyone~~!!!

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